
Friday 10 November 2017


Task 11
WALT find a rule given an input and output number

  • Read the input and output numbers
  • Try adding or subtracting numbers
  • Make sure the rule works out
  • Write the rule
  • it was hard for me to make sure the rule works out
  • It was easy for me to write the rule


WALT build our vocabulary and comprehension


  • Read the text
  • Activate knowledge about the text
  • Skim and scan for key information

Thursday 2 November 2017


what i did well:

  • i made a an effort and got what i was expecting
  • i read the question carefully and went through
what i need to work on:
  • i need to work on my Equivalent fractions

Tuesday 31 October 2017


WALT build our vocabulary and comprehension


  • Read the text
  • Activate knowledge about the text
  • Skim and scan for key information

Friday 27 October 2017


WALT improve our punctuation and grammar skills


  • Identify the part of speech
  • Use all clues available to make the most informed answer
  • Activate prior knowledge about how parts of speech work


 this week the most fun and enjoying topic was writing because you think of moment in time and you picture it in your mind and think like you were there and you get to express your feeling about what you feel,think,taste,smell,and see.

passion project

These are my 5 passions I am passionate about and what i do in my spear time or what i do for sports